Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Running like a new woman!

Fellow Sole Sisters and myself at the Glow Run
I am less than two weeks away from running my first 10K. I have been training for this run all summer. Admittedly, I chose an 8 week long training plan so I had plenty of weeks where I could fall behind and still have time to catch up. I have completed a 6 mile training run so I feel pretty good about being ready for the race. Pace-wise, I am less confident, but that is part of the challenge!

I started running when my youngest was nearly a year old. I completed a 3K with some friends using the beloved couch to 5K plan. I never got really into running at that time though, I had no desire to push myself. My 'baby' was not fond of sleeping and my energy showed it.

Fast forward to last October, a move and a new sleeping arrangement for my 'baby' and I was ready to push myself and really start running. The move was important because for the first time since I became a stay at home mom I had access to a gym with child care!! How amazing, right? The sleeping arrangement is not ideal, but it does involve all adults getting a full nights sleep, so I can not complain too loudly!

I just finished my first 5 mile race!
I am not a fast runner or even a middle-of-the-packer, I am proud to be with the final third of the runners in any race! But I do have endurance and I am really, really proud of that! I went from never running unless forced (think gym class miles and bear chases) to being able to run 6 miles without collapsing at the finish.

My future goals include completing a half marathon next year. Well, hopefully two half-marathons! My biggest goal is to not give up, but to keep going and improving.

1 comment:

Angela O said...

Good goals to have! You can do it!! Good luck on your 10k!