Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A New Running Experience

I am not a runner. I've never been a runner.  I'm not sure I'll ever be a runner at this point.  But my goal is to get to the point where I actually enjoy running because everyone I know who likes running seems to have this zen attitude and I could really use some zen in my life.  Currently, I run because I want my legs to stay toned and I want to keep eating dessert. Are those good reasons?  My current motto is: "I may come in last but at least I'm doing it!"

I am loving this Sole Sisters group, though!  I am amazed at how much farther I can go when I am running with someone!  So when I got a chance to visit a friend in Colorado (who is a "real" runner), I took her up on her offer to run with me.

Ignoring the fact that I had biked approximately 6 miles that morning, (with a tag-along, no less!) Julie and I set out for a late run in the beautiful Colorado night air under a waning full moon.  Sounds pleasant, right?  Well it turned out to be less so when I started running up a hill.  Ladies, 24 hrs is not enough time to acclimate to a different altitude! I was huffing and puffing before I even went half a mile.  Again, though, running with a friend made it all better--talking while running ate up the distance.  Unfortunately, I made her turn around shortly after a mile.  A 2 mile run at about a 12 mile pace.  Not my best, but "at least I'm doing it!"

I also learned that running shoes are not the best shoes for hiking.  Or at least not my current pair, which are Adidas ClimaCool shoes.  For running, they are fantastic--the name says it all.  They are lightweight and breathable, so I don't feel like I'm clomping around when I run and my feet stay dry during my runs.  Also, they fit my flat feet well because they don't have much in the way of arch support.

Looking forward to cooler Fall weather so I don't have to wait until 10pm to run!  Of course it will start getting dark sooner.  What do you wear to run at night to stay safe?  Recommend some running wear/safety gear!


EricAndErica said...

You ARE a runner! You just haven't admitted it yet :)

The Mussertons said...

You are definitely a runner, Angela! I love that you are also a biker and a kayaker too! I had the best run this morning with the cooler temps, it was heavenly! SO ready for fall too!

Megan said...

Road ID actually has some really cool safety gear for nighttime biking & running... lights you can strap to your clothes or even handheld ones.

Megan said...

And maybe some peper spray? ;-)