Monday, April 8, 2013

Overall, a success!

Yikes, I have been slacking at posting! The good news is that I am on top of my half-marathon training scheme! Somehow it is easier for me to think of my training more generally, like a scheme, rather than a detailed plan. ;)

Last Thursday I completed my first 10 mile run! I finished it, but it was not pretty. Normally, I never take walk breaks but somehow the wind convinced me it would be better to take walk breaks and complete the distance than to shorten the run. It was fine, the breaks were short but way too frequent the last two miles.

My biggest challenge right now is finding a route that is long enough so that I am not running two loops over and over again. I have a really good suggestion that I need to check out, I just have to get over/handle my fear of running on a non-residential street. Oh, and I have to complete my long runs between school drop-off and pick-up for Cally. No more waiting for slightly warmer temps and 9 am to roll around. Or I just have to become. fast runner, that should be easy! ;)

I also solved my cramping/painful calf issue! After reading lots of running calf pain Q&As on the Internet I ruled out any serious issues and realized I was most likely not hydrating enough. I guess with more consistent and higher weekly mileage I needed to up my diet soda intake. (Those who know me well will know if I am joking or not!) It is a huge relief to be running comfortably again!

My scheme for this week is to run a 5 miler (I did that today), 3 miles (tomorrow), 11 miles on Thursday and cross train on Friday. I love having a rest day in the middle of the week, I get to help in my daughters' classes at school. I also love taking the weekends off from set workouts. The flexibility is perfect for family activities, especially with spring's nicer weather making an appearance every now and then here.

How about you? What is your running/fitness schedule like?

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